Earnings Estimates

Stock Information

Price (Prev Close): 163.49
Price - 52 Week High: 178.37
Price - 52 Week Low: 136.57
Price Date (Latest): 7/1/24
Median Price Target: 181.46
Diff from Prev Close: 17.97
% Difference: 10.99

Analyst Ratings

Mean Recommendation:



Strong Buy

Reference Information

Last Actual (FY0): 5.02
FY0 End Date: 6/1/23
Ind. Annual Div: 2.20
Hist (5 Yr) Growth %: 8.55
Hist (5 Yr) Stability %: --
Yield (%): 1.35

Analyst Forecasts

Last Month Revisions
Period Ending Last Month Revisions
Fiscal Period Mean High Low Median # of Estimates # Up # Down Mean % Change
Annual 6/1/26 6.29 6.56 6.00 6.37 11 1 2 -0.12
Annual 6/1/25 5.73 6.01 5.50 5.72 16 3 -- -0.23
Annual 6/1/24 5.17 5.18 5.15 5.17 14 1 -- --
Quarterly 3/1/25 1.32 1.41 1.25 1.32 10 -- -- -0.59
Quarterly 6/1/24 1.32 1.34 1.26 1.33 14 2 -- -0.34
Quarterly 9/1/24 1.65 1.75 1.50 1.68 11 2 -- 0.24
Quarterly 12/1/24 1.35 1.44 1.28 1.36 11 1 1 -0.38
Long Term Growth 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 1 -- -- 0.00


Fiscal Period Period Ending Reported EPS Mean Estimate Surprise % Change
Annual 6/1/23 5.02 4.86 3.27
Annual 6/1/22 4.94 4.84 2.04
Annual 6/1/21 4.12 3.99 3.13
Quarterly 3/1/24 1.19 1.17 2.06
Quarterly 12/1/23 1.26 1.14 10.75
Quarterly 9/1/23 1.39 1.32 5.65
Quarterly 6/1/23 1.34 1.18 13.17

P/E Ratios

P/E Ratios Company Industry Ind. Relative
FY0 32.57 -- --
FY1 31.63 -- --
FY2 28.53 -- --

EPS Growth Rates

Growth Rates Company Industry Ind. Relative
FY1/FY0 6.34 -- --
FY2/FY1 10.87 -- --
FY3/FY2 9.70 -- --
The analysts’ ratings and forecasts shown on this page represent the views of the investment firms that prepare and publish research on Jack Henry & Associates, Inc. Such analysts’ ratings and forecasts are derived from publicly available information and are posted for informational purposes only. The posting of this information is not an endorsement by Jack Henry of the accuracy or reasonableness of any of those ratings or forecasts, and does not represent any recommendation by Jack Henry with respect to any investment in Jack Henry shares or an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any Jack Henry shares.

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